How does the neck work?
The structure of the neck
The neck, or cervical spine as it is also called, allows the head to turn 90 degrees in each direction. It carries one of our most important organs, the brain, you could almost say that if the head is the crown, the neck is the throne. Like almost any other mammal, our neck consists of seven vertebrae. The top two, the atlas and the axis are most important for the ability of the head to move. Together they form the upper neck joint.
In this part of the neck, motion rash occurs. Thanks to the vertebral joint between the two vertebrae, the atlas vertebra can rotate around its axis from side to side, this is because the axis has a cylinder-shaped vertical protrusion. In addition to these important vertebrae, we also have two muscle groups that are essential for both the motor skills of the neck and the posture of the body. Nick and the neck muscles that are each other’s antagonists. This means that when one muscle group wants to do one thing, the other muscle group wants to do the opposite. Despite the fact that the muscles want different things, they still cooperate. While the nick muscles want something, the neck muscles relax and vice versa. They work in symbiosis, just like yin and yang.
What is the difference between nick and neck muscles?
The muscles that bend the head forward while the chin points to the chest are called nick muscles. The muscles that hold up the head and bend it backwards are called neck muscles.